Off the Walls and Off the Boards

A while ago I was asked to help organize an exhibit for Moriyama & Teshima Architects and Planners.  It opened on April 4th at the Japanese Canadian Cultural Centre  and was well attended even though it was easter weekend.  Here are some pics from the opening and if you have a chance to check it out please do.  Some great work produced through the years.  Flyer Credit: Cheryl Wang, Photo Credits: Hashem

Spoke Pieces

I'm back after website revamping.   Thanks again to Edward Solodukhin for the site face lift.  Here are some pics of the pieces currently up at the Spoke Club.  The work is being shown along side my friend Mitchell Chan's amazing  interactive sound installation and painted sketches.   The show is entitled Visions of the Amen.

As Promised

I'm reposting the images from OCAD's Whodun?t.   Thanks to everyone who could make it out.  If you bought the piece on the right please send me an email - I have something for you. In other news, i'll be taking part in the BOOM! exhibit at the Living Arts Centre in Mississauga.   I know it's a little bit of a trek out there but the opening reception is Thursday, December 3rd from 7-9.  Hope to see you there.

A New Start at Le Gallery

I've got some new images.  These are 3 of the 7 images that are up right now at Le Gallery at 1183 Dundas St. W.  It'll be up for another 2 weeks along with work by artist Ben Oakley and Kal Mansur.  Definitely go check their work out if you've got a chance.

Le Gallery, WhoDunit.

Well we got some exciting news.   I recently spoke to Wil Kucey over at Le Gallery here in Toronto and he'll be picking me up as one of his artists.   I've got a few pieces available at that gallery so feel free to swing by to take a look at the gallery.  He's a really friendly guy and the art that is currently on exhibit is great also. .

Commute Home Installation

So the Lennox Show was just taken down but luckily the people at Commute Home let me put an installation up in their studio space.   It's at 135 Tecumseth St.  but it's not open to the public.  If you'd really like to see it just let me know and we can arrange something.  This is, of course, an expansion of the Mausoleum that I designed as part of a crit week that Mitchell Chan and I did earlier on in the summer.   It's now 9 books and a lot more pens.

Show on now until the 20th!

Thanks to all who came out on opening night! It was a really fun evening and everything went quite smoothly.   The show will be up for another 2 weeks so if you haven't gone yet or would like to show someone else you still can.   The gallery is open Thursday through Sunday, 12-5pm.

Wrap up

A formal thank you to all that came out to the booth during the expo! It's been quite a nutty time with my studio partner moving out to go to school and with me starting a few new collaborations.  But I haven't forgotten my commitment to you.  This is one of the images from the triptych entitled 'the Decline'.


This is a drawing I completed awhile ago but finally got a chance to scan, stitch, and upload it.  It was created for the Beecause Art Competition which is an organized art exhibition and auction in support of London's arts incubator, The Arts Project, and the Canadian Bee Research Fund, a Canadian research initiative focused on the disappearance of honeybees.  All the pieces are to be inspired by honey and so I thought I'd do something a little more literal this time...

TOAE, New Cart, Old Cart

Hey friends,  if you happen to be in toronto around july 10, 11, 12th,  I'll be at the Toronto Outdoor Art Exhibition at booth #46... i think.  My friend Will Klassen, an intern architect at Moriyama and Teshima, will be helping me design and build an art cart of some sort.  So i thought i'd post an old art cart that I designed.  It was for a museum design project...but somewhere along the way it turned into parade.   hope you like it and hope to see you in july.

New Show, New Work

Things are abrewing! After a stretch of recon and portfolios, i'm pleased to announce that i'll be taking part in a show at Lennox Contemporary around early September.  With that end making headway i've been able to concentrate on some new work.  Here are some pictures of 'bashful mailboxes' in progress.  The finished version can be found in the gallery.

Level Up

A while back Mitchell Chan (my studio partner) and I decided to put ourselves through the same rigour we experienced during architecture school by designing projects for each other and having a formal critique after the completion of the pieces.  From concocting each other's assignments, conceptualization and execution, the project lasted 5 days.   The event was a blast that ended up turning into an open forum for the discussion of art and things more serious.  Here are some pics of my piece, a Mausoleum for the Pen and Pencil of Pierre Lunaire.

A New Addition to the Zoo

This is the only thing i have in regards to a process shot but the final will be in the gallery soon.  It's the commission i've been working on the last few weeks and my first new work in a while. When asked to do the drawing i was told a story of whom it was to be given to, and given plans and photos of his house.  I've never worked this way before but i found his backstory enriched the underlying concept -- the interplay between perceived realities and the ideal.  It's an interesting way of working and I think overlaying characters or stories over concepts could be something to explore.

An Old Natatorium

I recently received a request for some old work from an old prof and thought i could throw it up here too.  It's a drawing of a elevated water park done with gouache on drywall.  Its one of the few projects from school that i kept...too bad its near the pile of firewood at my parents house.  New work coming very soon though!

A Small Showing at OCAD

I recently had three works up in the Transit space at OCAD.  I was selected by Ben Bruneau to take part in a little exhibit on imagined architecture and topographies along side Sarah Kernohan, Hugh Scott-Douglas, and Petra Cortright. I apologize I didn't publicize it but if you would like to see them they are in frames and up in the apartment.

A sloppy couple of weeks

I apologize everyone for not having more work up.  After the first stage of the website I was swamped with other odds and ends. Here are some pictures of a recent model I built for my old office of Moriyama and Teshima. It took two weeks, a large enough living room and an oven-roasted chicken to complete.

The beginning

Just starting it up.  Hope you guys like it -- I owe it to my friend Ed Solodukhin for taking time out of his busy thesis schedule to construct the site. Hopefully in the next few months i can double the amount of images in the gallery and have this site running in good proper order.